How to install on Pfsense

Hi there,

I want to start using my Pfsense box to get logs to a ELK instance. I'm following this tutorial:

It states that I need to download the latest build (with the according sha1 hash) from:

However, it seems that there are no builds in that directory (does contain builds for heartbeat and auditbeat). Can someone point me to the correct build servers?


FYI we’ve renamed ELK to the Elastic Stack, otherwise Beats and APM feel left out! :wink:

What OS is this for?

Sorry, quite new to the whole thing. I want to use my Pfsense box, which runs a version of FreeBSD.

No worries!

In that case you should be able to just grab the tar.gz from, extract that and then use it :slight_smile:

Thanks! Ill try this out in the next couple of days and will get back to you. Anything specific I should look out for?

The tar.gz doesn't come with an init/service file, that's the downside.

You could convert an rpm/deb to the pkg it normally uses, but that's well outside my experience sorry.

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