How to iterate multiple S3 inputs?

I am using s3 input plugin to download/unzip .gz file and feed to Logstash. Here is the input part of my working config for Logstash

input {
  s3 {
    interval => 86400
    bucket => "us-west-1"
    aws_credentials_file => "<path_to_cred>"
    region => "us-west-1"
    sincedb_path => "<path_to_sincedb>"
    prefix => "<tenant1_id>/elasticsearch/"
    codec => multiline { 
      pattern => "^\["
      negate => true
      what => "previous"
    type => "elasticsearch"
    add_field => {
     "tenantID" => "<tenant1_id>"
  s3 {
    interval => 86400
    bucket => "us-west-1"
    aws_credentials_file => "<path_to_cred>"
    region => "us-west-1"
    sincedb_path => "<path_to_sincedb>"
    prefix => "<tenant2_id>/elasticsearch/"
    codec => multiline { 
      pattern => "^\["
      negate => true
      what => "previous"
    type => "elasticsearch"
    add_field => {
     "tenantID" => "<tenant2_id>"

As you can see, most fields are identical except the prefix and add_field.tenantID, and I have about 100 tenants with different prefix but following the same pattern <tenant#_id>. I'm new to logstash and ruby syntax. How do I remove the duplicated code by moving them into a function, for loop or something easy to maintain?


Logstash has nothing built-in to help with this. I suggest you generate your configuration file from a template, e.g. using Ansible.

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