How to know which element in the array is chosen by the fuzzysearch

Hello, I have a tricky case and want to consult the experts here.
We store our user info in Elasticsearch, an user may have different name aliases, all stored in a "names" array like below

"names" : [
              "userName" : "John Jerry",
              "nameType" : "Primary Name"
              "userName" : "John The Great",
              "nameType" :"Also Known As"
              "userName" : "Jerry Our Father",
              "nameType" :"Also Known As"

When we search for a user name, let say "jone great" we build a fuzzysearch like below

	"span_near": {
	  "clauses": [
		  "span_multi": {
			"match": {
			  "fuzzy": {
				"names.userName": {
				  "value": "jone",
				  "fuzziness": "1",
				  "prefix_length": 0,
				  "max_expansions": 50,
				  "transpositions": true,
				  "boost": 1
			"boost": 1
		  "span_multi": {
			"match": {
			  "fuzzy": {
				"names.userName": {
				  "value": "great",
				  "fuzziness": "1",
				  "prefix_length": 0,
				  "max_expansions": 50,
				  "transpositions": true,
				  "boost": 1
			"boost": 1
	  "slop": 2,
	  "in_order": false,
	  "boost": 1

This query will return the user above, whose alias is "John The Great" because this name has a good score against the input "jone great"

The question is how do I know programmatically which name in the array is chosen by the fuzzysearch. Imagine a user has 100 name aliases, is there a way to tell Elasticsearch to point out which alias is the reason that user is chosen as a match?

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