How to Map dynamic columns of a class in Elastic

I have a class say Employee having two columns like Key and Value. I get response from one api response like (the response has key value pairs like key1: value1 and the response is dynamic in nature) {


"title":"xyz", "description":"abc", ----------And its going on dynamic in nature



So I need to store the value in Elastic DB and elastic snapshot like

        "_index": "employeestore",
        "_type": "employee",
        "_id": "AXsVtT9MfOtqK98N091A",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "title": "xyz",
          "description": "abc",
           ----and so on dynamic value

If i use automap like

esClient.Map<Employee>(m =>
                var putMappingDescriptor = m.Index(Indices.Index("employeestore")).AutoMap();
                return putMappingDescriptor;

the elastic snapshot has

"key": "title", "value": "xyz"

but i need like this

"_source": {
          "title": "xyz",
          "description": "abc",
           ----and so on dynamic value

How we can we map the Employee class in Elastic which can accomodate arbitary fields?

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