How to mix nested object with script in aggregation?

I want to concatenate 2 document fields, one of which is a nested object. If it were not nested, it wouldn't be a problem, but with script you can't mix nested. A sample mapping is:

       "_doc": {
       "properties": {
       "upper_level": {
        "properties": {
          "my_field": {"type": "keyword"},
          "new_one": {"type": "keyword"},
          "name": {"type": "keyword"}
      "single_level" : {"type": "keyword" }

If it was not nested, I could do the following;

  "aggregations": {
      "single_level.upper_level" : {
          "terms": {
             "script": {
                   "source": "doc['single_level'].value + ' ' + doc[''].value",
                   "lang": "painless"
         "size": 10,
        "min_doc_count": 1

But with a nested object, I can't mix that with script. Is there another way to do this?



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