How to parse multiple date fields?


I am learning logstash to insert my logfiles in elasticsearch. By now I am testing this config file:
input {

  file {
    type => "accounting"
    path => ["/root/logstash-tests/mini-test/accounting.txt"]
    start_position => "beginning"

filter {
  if [type] == "accounting" {
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{DATA:qname}:%{DATA:exechost}:%{DATA:group}:%{DATA:owner}:%{DATA:job_name}:%{INT:jobid}:%{DATA:account}:%{INT:priority}:%{INT:submission_time}:%{INT:start_time}:%{INT:end_time}:%{INT:failed}:%{INT:exit_status}$" }

   date {
        match => [ "submission_time", "UNIX_MS" ]
    target => "@timestamp"


output {
        stdout {codec => rubydebug}

which gives me this output:

[root@logs-test mini-test]# /opt/logstash/bin/logstash agent -f test.conf
Logstash startup completed
            "message" => "",
           "@version" => "1",
         "@timestamp" => "2015-04-09T14:24:43.565Z",
               "type" => "accounting",
               "host" => "logs-test",
               "path" => "/root/logstash-tests/mini-test/accounting.txt",
              "qname" => "gpu.q",
           "exechost" => "",
              "group" => "group22",
              "owner" => "user22",
           "job_name" => "",
              "jobid" => "3511939",
            "account" => "sge",
           "priority" => "0",
    "submission_time" => "1428589483565",
         "start_time" => "1429783559251",
           "end_time" => "1429785864500",
             "failed" => "0",
        "exit_status" => "0"

the submission_time field is being converted to a time type field to be used in @timestamp correctly by using the date filter but I have other two fields in format UNIX_MS (start_time and end_time) which I would like to convert to date type fields when inserting to elasticsearch. How should I modify by config file so start_time and end_time are also date type fields in elasticsearch? Could you point to some example?

thanks in advance for your help.

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You just want a few more date + match + target sections like you have for @timestamp, one per other field.

thanks for your help warkolm. Now that I have it working it seems obvious :smile:

for future reference in case anyone have this doubt in the future and reachs this post, this is my working config:

    date {
        match => [ "submission_time", "UNIX_MS" ]
        target => "@timestamp"

   date {
        match => [ "submission_time", "UNIX_MS" ]
        target => "submission_time"

   date {
        match => [ "start_time", "UNIX_MS" ]
        target => "start_time"

   date {
        match => [ "end_time", "UNIX_MS" ]
        target => "end_time"