How to pass date in Elastic co billing API

I have generate API key and I am getting data for current month by default using the curl command.
I am checking for some format how to add dates in api to retrieve data for last 3 months.
I checked documentation but didn't found any example using dates.

curl -XGET<organization_id> \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey <yourapikey>"

Query parameters

Name Type Required Description
from string N A datetime for the beginning of the desired range for which to fetch costs. Defaults to start of current month. Note: there is currently a three-month maximum date range.
to string N A datetime for the end of the desired range for which to fetch costs. Defaults to end of current month. Note: there is currently a three-month maximum date range.

curl -XGET "" -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY"

Not the Times are UTC
Note the quotes around the URL etc syntax is key.

Here specify detailed Date with Time

curl -XGET "" -H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY"

This is a valid Date


This is a valid Date-Time


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