Hello there,
I'm using ElasticSearch to search through a WordPress database. I'd like to create a query that returns results based on score, where the score is improved when a document is found with a more recent date, along with whether the text appears in the title or description.
Here's a query that searches through several fields, and returns results ordered by score:
GET server.local/_search
"fields":["post_title^3","post_excerpt^2","post_content","post_author.display_name","terms.category.name", "terms.resource-category.name","terms.post_tag.name"],
"_source": ["post_id", "post_title", "post_author.display_name", "post_date.date"]
I tried sorting by date by adding this clause:
But this removed the scores from the results altogether.
I noticed that i can sort by score and then by date, but the scores come back with far too much precision for this to be useful. (e.g. a score is 15.125123 and the next one is 15.031, but the document is more recent).
Is there a way to either (a) round down the score so that I can then sort all the 15's by date or (b) add a clause that subtracts from the score when a document is older than a certain date?
Thank you in advance for any pointers.