How to push multiple metricbeat instance from multiple machines into 1 ES instance?

how to push multiple metricbeat instance from multiple machines into 1 ES instance connected in same network.Basically need to connect 2 windows machine and monitor the system metrics of both machines using ELK stack. For data ingestion we are using metric beat version 6.0.

You can configure all Metricbeats to send to the same ES instance. It means that output configuration must be the same for all Metricbeat instances.

See more on ES output:

Well thanks for the reply. However this is not the answer i was looking for. i have resolved the error by just redirecting my metricbeat data to the elastic search instance of other machine on the same network.
This was done by mentionining the IP of that machine in metricbeat.yml file for the property mentioned below:

hosts:[ip of other machine:port]

I am glad you were able to find a solution. :slight_smile:

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