How to put the result of .py file execution into the Elastic Search


I want to put the result of file execution into the Elastic Search using logstash.
This is an example of the result value.

{u'action': u'select',
u'build': 5447,
u'http_method': u'GET',
u'name': u'client',
u'path': u'wifi',
u'results': [{u'channel': 44,
u'signal': -44,
u'signal_bar': 8,
u'ssid': u'example',
u'sta_assoc_time': u'02/01/19 08:46',
u'sta_auth': u'pass',
u'sta_idle_time': u'3 sec',
u'sta_ip': u'xx.xx.xx.xx',
u'sta_mac': u'0:0:cb:0f:0:0',
u'sta_rate': u'64.3 mbps',
u'sta_snr': u'51 dB',
u'vap_name': u'wifi',
u'wtp_id': u'CBA',
u'wtp_name': u'CBA'}],
u'serial': u'ABC',
u'status': u'success',
u'vdom': u'root',
u'version': u'v5.4.1'}

Do you have any idea?
Please give me some advice.

Maybe will be of some help.

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