How to query the index and only get specific indecies

So I am querying my index like this right now:

"query": {
    "match_all" : { }
  "size": 1,
  "sort": [
 "@timestamp": {
     "order": "desc"

And I get the whole set of data, like you are supposed to with "match_all". My question is how do you query only specific fields in a event.

For example, if my fields in Kibana are like this:

Then How do I ONLY grab the "_type" field in a HTTP query?

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That worked, I also made a stack overflow post about this and got a pretty good answer.

Here is my new query:

 "query": {
"match_all": { }
"size": 1,
"_source": {
    "includes": [ "transport", "dest", "packet_source", "id_orig_p", "id_orig_p", "id_orig_h", "conn_state", "id_resp_h", "id_resp_p", "service", "proto" ]
} ,
"sort": [
  "@timestamp": {
    "order": "desc"

Thanks for the help!

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