How to reduce recreation of ElasticClient (ASP.NET MVC C#)

Hello There,

Please accept my apologies in advance for bad English. I do not have much knowledge of programming concepts and I am new to elasticsearch.

Preparing a sample using Elasticsearch NEST in ASP.NET MVC C#.

I have prepared a class with an static function which return ElasticClient.

public class ElasticSeachConfiguration
        public static ElasticClient ESContext()
            var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
            var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
            return client;

Now the problem is that when ever I need to communicate with elasticsearch I am using ElasticSeachConfiguration.ESContext() and each time it is creating new ConnectionSetting and new elastic client.

For example ->

public void CreateEmployee(Employee emp)
            ElasticSeachConfiguration.ESContext().Index(emp, i => i.Index("myindex").Type("employee").Id(emp.Id));

public void UpdateEmployee(Employee emp)
            ElasticSeachConfiguration.ESContext().Index(emp, i => i.Index("myindex").Type("employee").Id(emp.Id));
 ElasticSeachConfiguration.ESContext().Update<Employee, object>(new DocumentPath<Employee>(emp.Id), u => u

I am not feeling good about it .. I am sure I am making a blunder related to programming concepts .. I need your guidance .. please share your suggestions .. what should I explore so that I can understand the concepts to write classes in correct pattern .. to stop unnecessary execution of the code .. I hope my request is clear ..sharing temp link for sample code I prepared

Thanks in advance.

Please reply

you can implement the Singleton pattern so that only a single instance of IElasticClient is instantiated

public sealed class ElasticSeachConfiguration
    private static readonly ElasticClient instance = 
        new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")));

    public static IElasticClient ESContext => instance;

    static ElasticSeachConfiguration() { }
    private ElasticSeachConfiguration() { }

As an alternative approach, ASP.NET MVC provides the ability to hook in an Inversion of Control (IoC) container to implement Dependency Injection, such that the container will instantiate an instance of a component for you, and manage its lifecycle/lifestyle according to how it is configured with the container

Here's an example with ASP.NET Core.

In Startup.cs

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

        // register the client as a singleton
            new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")))));

Now, in your controllers, you can have an instance of IElasticClient injected into an instance of a controller for you

public class SearchController : Controller
	private readonly IElasticClient _client;

	// container will inject client into controller
	public SearchController(IElasticClient client) => _client = client;

	public IActionResult Index()
		var response = _client.Search<Package>(s => s

		var model = new SearchViewModel
			Hits = response.Hits,
			Total = response.Total

		return View(model);

Thank you so much for your reply .. I will follow you suggestion and will try to educate myself further,

Thanks again.

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