How to reference a new codec


I have installed a new codec


But when I look at the installed plugin list it's not showing up.
Is there a way for me in the kafka input explicitly point to this codec by path?

I actually moved the gemscpec into the specifications directory of the logstash install directory structure re-installed and worked from there

So this is what I have now

sudo ./plugin list --verbose | grep codec
logstash-codec-avro_schema_registry (0.9.0)

Has anyone worked with this before, this is to serialize avro messages that have Conflent formattting

in the logstash config do I refer it as such?

codec => { avro_schema_registry => { schema_url => "/home/t/logstash-2.2.2/etc/Payment.avsc" } }

when I load the config file it doesn't complain, but I still can load anything from kafka it seems as my rubydebug output isn't showing anything