How to remove extra unnecessary details from kibana anonymous user public dashboard

I have created an anonymous user in kibana.yml using that configuration no credentials are required to access the public dashboard
with url i.e!()%2CrefreshInterval%3A(pause%3A!t%2Cvalue%3A0)%2Ctime%3A(from%3Anow-1y%2Fd%2Cto%3Anow)) I don't want this whole URL to be seen in front I want to show just ip address and port no. how can i do that please answer

This is the realm that I created for anon user in kibana.yml:
order: 0
idleTimeout: 1Y
username: "xxxx"
password: "xxxxxxx"
order: 1

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You would need to handle this outside Kibana as that's not functionality it provides.

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