How to retrieve more than 10,000 results

I have an use case where i display 10 results on each page and there would be an api call when ever i go to further pages .
Currently in solr there is start functionality which returns 10 results by default .
But in elastic search i have issue when my from parameter includes 10000, I have seen that we can use scroll api , But i am not able to include from parameter while using scroll api?
Is there any alternative for 'from' in scroll api

Using from does not make sense in the scroll API as will always just ask for the next x results (size) until you reach the end.
You just move forward basically.

Is there a way to implement pagination concept in elastic without using scroll api?
I need to get more than 10,000 results , How do i avoid this limitation?

If i want 10 results on each page and there are total of 1 million data.whats the best way to do?I cant use scroll api in this scenario because I just want 10 results each time depending on my pagenumber and sizze(relatively i mean pagination)

First of all, I don't think a user should go to page 999990 to get a meaningful result. I'd expect having the most relevant information on the top of the first page.

I never go to page 3 or 4 on Google...

Anyway, if you need deep pagination, have a look at search_after feature.

What do u think of "max_result_window" ? Can we set that to a million ?

I think it's a bad idea.

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