How to rewrite an SQL Complex query

HI All,

I have created an index via logstash using the jdbc driver for sql and the index has been made using the following query:

SELECT iDisID, iTopID, iPID, tblDiscussions.iUID, sSubject, dCreated, iViews, sQuestion, sTimestamp, bLocked, bArchived, 
			 tblProfiles.sUserHRID, tblProfiles.sUserFname, tblProfiles.sUserSname, tblLUTopics.sTopName 
                  FROM [KMNEW].[dbo].[tblDiscussions] Inner join [KMNEW].[dbo].[tblProfiles] on tblDiscussions.iUID = tblProfiles.iUID
		  INNER JOIN [KMNEW].[dbo].[tblLUTopics] ON tblDiscussions.iTopID = tblLUTopics.iTID
		  WHERE tblDiscussions.bActive=1 AND tblLUTopics.bActive=1

I now need to create a query against this index that will mimick the statement below. (I think this is probably too complex for elastic, but if anyone has a suggestion on how to approach this query would be good).

select idisid, ipid, itopid, tblDiscussions.iuid, sSubject, sQuestion, dCreated,  tblLUTopics.sTopName, tblProfiles.sUserFname, tblProfiles.sUserSname, tblProfiles.sUserHRID from [dbo].[tblDiscussions] 
	INNER JOIN tblLUTopics ON tblDiscussions.iTopID = tblLUTopics.iTID
	INNER JOIN [dbo].[tblProfiles] on tblProfiles.iUID = tblDiscussions.iUID
	where ipid = 0 
	union all
	select  dd.idisid, dd.ipid, dd.itopid, dd.iUID, dd.sSubject, dd.sQuestion, dd.dCreated, tblLUTopics.sTopName, tblProfiles.sUserFname, tblProfiles.sUserSname, tblProfiles.sUserHRID 
	from tblDiscussions as dd
	INNER JOIN tblLUTopics ON dd.iTopID = tblLUTopics.iTID
	INNER JOIN [dbo].[tblProfiles] on tblProfiles.iUID = dd.iUID
	cross apply (select distinct(ipid) from tblDiscussions where ipid != 0) as cr
	cross apply (select min(idisid) as idisid from tblDiscussions group by ipid) as mm
	where (dd.ipid = cr.ipid and dd.iDisID = mm.idisid )
	group by dd.iDisID, dd.ipid,  dd.itopid, dd.iUID, dd.sSubject, dd.sQuestion, dd.dCreated, tblLUTopics.sTopName, tblProfiles.sUserFname, tblProfiles.sUserSname, tblProfiles.sUserHRID

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