How to send Elasticsearch 6.8 logs to syslog?

Dear all,

First post on these boards :slight_smile:

I've been tasked to configure some Elasticsearch 6.8 server to send its logs to syslog. Based on the official documentation, I came up with the following in /etc/elasticsearch/

appender.syslog.type = Syslog = SYSLOG
appender.syslog.facility = LOCAL5 = localhost
appender.syslog.port = 514
appender.syslog.protocol = UDP
appender.syslog.layout.type = PatternLayout
appender.syslog.layout.pattern = "local5: %d{yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%c] %m%n"

How does that look ?

Best regards,


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