How to set the analyzer for a field when i usespark-elasticsearch saveToEsWithMeta save to es

my question is how to set the analyzer for a field which's name is changed ,
my code like as below:

val test ="性别"
val lbs: Map[String, String] = Map("create_time" -> "1491990010000",
"name" -> "年龄",
"values" -> "70后,80后,90后",
"label" -> "{values}",
"measure" ->"0.0",
"tags" ->"用户画像,灰度发布",
sc.makeRDD(Seq((1, lbs))).saveToEsWithMeta("label_sys_label/label")

my version is 2.4.0
3q for help!!

Repeating the response from github on this question:

If you are adding new fields to an index or creating new indices in Elasticsearch from ES-Hadoop you may need to set some sort of index template so that when the new index is created it has the correct mappings and analyzers that you would expect.

i dont konw the field in advance,so i cant set at the template ,any way to set at the code

在2017年05月07日 03:09,James Baiera 写道:
| | james.baieraJames Baiera
May 6 |

Repeating the response from github on this question:

If you are adding new fields to an index or creating new indices in Elasticsearch from ES-Hadoop you may need to set some sort of index template so that when the new index is created it has the correct mappings and analyzers that you would expect.


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Unfortunately there is no way to set the mapping from the ES-Hadoop side of things at this time.

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