How to show the login page to allow people to use only the relevant dashboard?

Hi all
How to show the login page to allow people to use only the relevant dashboard ?

At this time, entering kibana will open as http: // localhost: 5601 / app / kibana. Which is a page for developers
I want to show the login page to allow people to use only the relevant dashboard.

Environemnt :
OS : Windows 10
Elasticsearh : version 6.7(.zip)
Kibana : version 6.7(.zip)
license : basic

Hi @nopparat,

You need to configure x-pack security in your ELK stack where you can create users and provide role based access.

Harsh Bajaj

Thanks for the quick reply.

How to install on x-pack on Windows 10?

Can the basic license be able to install the x-pack?

Hi @nopparat,

X-pack is by default installed in your ELK stack version. you have to enabled the features which you want to use.

yes, it requires basic license but in your case it may be require gold/platinum license.Please find below subscription link for ELK stack.

Harsh Bajaj

Hi @harshbajaj16,

Is it open for free for the previous version? Or I should write the html program and use embed code link to dashboard on kibana.

Thanks again for your kindness and responses

Hi @nopparat,

No, this feature is not free in any version of ELK stack. However, You can use proxy server like HAproxy or Ngnix to achieve this.

Harsh Bajaj

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