How to solve field in mapping but already used in other types

I also run topbeat, packbeat, transfer to logstash, accept the data on the ES side, reported the following error

[2016-03-01 02:33:49,810][DEBUG][action.bulk ] [node-1] [logstash-2016.02.29][4] failed to execute bulk item (index) index {[logstash-2016.02.29][mysql][AVMuTs3DYEsGBQRKvfBP], source[{"@timestamp":"2016-02-29T18:33:48.342Z","beat":{"hostname":"server1","name":"server1"},"bytes_in":51,"bytes_out":51,"client_ip":"","client_port":57663,"client_proc":"","client_server":"","count":1,"direction":"in","ip":"","method":"INSERT","mysql":{"affected_rows":0,"error_code":1054,"error_message":"42S22: Unknown column 'aaaaa' in 'field list'","insert_id":0,"iserror":true,"num_fields":0,"num_rows":0},"path":"","port":3306,"proc":"","query":"insert into test(id,title) values(aaaaa,'987')","responsetime":0,"server":"","status":"Error","type":"mysql","@version":"1","host":"server1","tags":["beats_input_raw_event"]}]}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field [proc] is defined as a field in mapping [mysql] but this name is already used for an object in other types
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.checkMappersCompatibility(
at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.MapperService.checkMappersCompatibility(

Topbeat inside the proc (proc.ppid etc) is a digital type, but the MySQL proc is a string type?

Thanks. :slightly_smiling:

The best solution is to store the data in different indices so this conflict doesn't happen!

Only one es, topbeat ---> logstash1, packetbeat---> logstash2, while logstash is output to the same es, such data will be merged into logstash-*.
It will report the error above, unless the creation of multiple es
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field [proc] is defined as a field in mapping [mysql] but this name is already used for an object in other types


If you have multiple inputs, ie one per beat, then use tags and conditional outputs for each one.

packetbeat.yml configuration is as follows:

hosts: [""]

tags: ["packetbeat",""]

topbeat.yml configuration is as follows:

hosts: [""]

tags: ["topbeat",""]

input {
beats {
port => 5044 logstash1--->5044 , logstash2--->5045

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["server1:9200"]
codec => rubydebug

At the same time to run TopBeat and PacketBeat,
the es raise exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Field [proc] is defined as a field in mapping [mysql] but this name is already used for an object in other types

Merge the mapping field by manual, the error is still reported


Add the following two items in beats.conf (logstash configuration) to soluted
index => "logstash-%{type}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
document_type => "%{type}"

Near by elasticsearch node

Thanks everybody.

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Using 5.4 with the searchkick gem.

My solution was actually a misnaming of a mapping. My mapping defined a locations_coordinates but I was indexing by location_coordinates even though it was a misnaming this exception was thrown.

Hi, the index and document type lines, should they go under the filters section? Thank you.