How to sort nested documents regardless of different parents

I'm new to elasticsearch and struggling this situation (for example):
I want to index offices and clerks of each office. So, I've created this mapping:

PUT office
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "office_name": {
        "type": "text" 
      "clerks": {
        "type": "nested"

and indexing some data:

PUT /office/_doc/1
  "name": "office a",
  "clerks": [
      "name": "a a a a"
      "name": "a a"
      "name": "b"

PUT /office/_doc/2
  "name": "office b",
  "clerks": [
      "name": "a a a"

Now, I want to search for 'a':

GET /office/_search
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "clerks",
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "": "a"
      "inner_hits": {}

the result is:

  "took" : 624,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 2,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.1272885,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "office",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "2",
        "_score" : 1.1272885,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "office b",
          "clerks" : [
              "name" : "a a a"
        "inner_hits" : {
          "clerks" : {
            "hits" : {
              "total" : {
                "value" : 1,
                "relation" : "eq"
              "max_score" : 1.1272885,
              "hits" : [
                  "_index" : "office",
                  "_type" : "_doc",
                  "_id" : "2",
                  "_nested" : {
                    "field" : "clerks",
                    "offset" : 0
                  "_score" : 1.1272885,
                  "_source" : {
                    "name" : "a a a"
        "_index" : "office",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "1",
        "_score" : 1.1184678,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "office a",
          "clerks" : [
              "name" : "a a a a"
              "name" : "a a"
              "name" : "b"
        "inner_hits" : {
          "clerks" : {
            "hits" : {
              "total" : {
                "value" : 2,
                "relation" : "eq"
              "max_score" : 1.1468691,
              "hits" : [
                  "_index" : "office",
                  "_type" : "_doc",
                  "_id" : "1",
                  "_nested" : {
                    "field" : "clerks",
                    "offset" : 0
                  "_score" : 1.1468691,
                  "_source" : {
                    "name" : "a a a a"
                  "_index" : "office",
                  "_type" : "_doc",
                  "_id" : "1",
                  "_nested" : {
                    "field" : "clerks",
                    "offset" : 1
                  "_score" : 1.0900666,
                  "_source" : {
                    "name" : "a a"

I expect 'a a a' appears before 'a a' and the result to be like this:

  "name": "a a a a"
  "name": "a a a"
  "name": "a a"

How can I achieve this result?

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