How to test analyzer properly to debug mapping issues?

I have some very simple settings for an index that I'm trying to use to test my analyzer with:

	"settings": {
		"number_of_shards": 1,
		"number_of_replicas": 0
	"mappings": {
		"applog": {
			"properties": {
				"user_id": {
					"type": "string",
					"index": "not_analyzed"

I simply want to confirm that my user_id property for my applog document type will not get tokenized.

However, after confirming that the mappings are indeed in place:

curl localhost:9200/applog-test/_mapping?pretty
  "applog-test" : {
    "mappings" : {
      "applog" : {
        "properties" : {
          "user_id" : {
            "type" : "string",
            "index" : "not_analyzed"

My analyzer appears to still be tokenizing the user_id... hopefully this is user-error?

curl -XGET "localhost:9200/applog-test/_analyze?user_id&pretty" -d "this is a test"
  "tokens" : [ {
    "token" : "this",
    "start_offset" : 0,
    "end_offset" : 4,
    "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
    "position" : 0
  }, {
    "token" : "is",
    "start_offset" : 5,
    "end_offset" : 7,
    "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
    "position" : 1
  }, {
    "token" : "a",
    "start_offset" : 8,
    "end_offset" : 9,
    "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
    "position" : 2
  }, {
    "token" : "test",
    "start_offset" : 10,
    "end_offset" : 14,
    "type" : "<ALPHANUM>",
    "position" : 3
  } ]

My expectation was that this would all be in a single token?

Bonus points: how do I create the desired behavior in a dynamic_mapping? I ran into the same issue with the dynamic mapping and/or default mappings.

I see in kibana after I indexed a single record of just the user_id field, that it is in fact not being analyzed (my desired behavior). So I guess my follow up question would be how do I test the analyzer (indexer?) before I go inserting records since testing it in this fashion resulted in me getting multiple tokens?

When you do "index" : "not_analyzed" in the mapping, it's equivalent to index the field with "keyword" analyzer (see the link below for more info)

To test different analyzer, you can do the following

Thank you so much! Could you please point me in the direction of how you found out that the "index": "not_analyzed" was equivalent to the keyword analyzer? I feel I might need that resource in the future... unless it's expected to just happen upon the analyzer page you referenced. :wink:

The information is in the first link