How to transfer the array to csv format

Hi experts,

I have parsed the XML file and get some useful NODEs' information, they are saved as a array format. I want to draw a trend chart by using Kibana, but I can't draw it because all of data are saved as array format. Would you please help me solve this block issue?

The input XML files shows as below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OMeS version="2.3">
  <PMSetup startTime="2018-03-09T08:15:00.000+01:00" interval="5">
      <MO dimension="network_element">
      <PMTarget measurementType="DBMEAS">
      <MO dimension="network_element">
      <PMTarget measurementType="DBMEAS">
... ...(about 19 similar node)... ...

The paresd XML pattern shows as below:

                xpath => [
                        "/OMeS/PMSetup/@startTime", "audit_time",
                        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/MO/@dimension", "ELKNE",
                        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/MO/DN/text()", "ELKDN",
                        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTarget/@measurementType", "ELKPMtype",
                        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTarget/M704B1C1/text()", "ELKPV1",


The parsed output shows as below:

 "audit_time": [

"ELKPV1": [

"ELKDN": [

Now I want to transfer them like a CSV format, such like below:

audit_time 	       ELKDN 	       ELKPV1
v1		        v1         	v1
v1		        v2	        v2
v1		        v3	        v3
v1		        v4	        v4
             ... ...

as we known, audit_time is only one value, other field includes 19 values, how can I transfer them to the above format?

Thank you.

Oddly worded title, probably why you aren't getting a whole lot of attention. You also need to be a bit more open when sharing your configuration. Not asking for personal information, but sharing only a snippet of your configuration makes it very difficult to fully understand what is happening. For this particular problem, the issue is with your input section, not the XML section, something that I wouldn't have figured out if not for the linked thread we collaborated on earlier.

Here's the config I am working with that you posted on the previous thread:

input {
  file {
    path => ["/home/admin/log/NTASlog/*xml"]
    start_position => "beginning"
    type => "pmxmllog"
    sincedb_path => "/home/admin/log/NTASlog/.sincedb_file"
    codec => multiline {
      pattern => "<?xml version"
      #auto_flush_interval => 5
      #max_lines => 60000
      what => "previous"
      negate=> true
filter {
  if [type] == "pmxmllog" {
    xml {
      source => "message"
      target => "parsed"
      xpath => [
        "/OMeS/PMSetup/@startTime", "audit_time",
        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/MO/@dimension", "ELKNE",
        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/MO/DN/text()", "ELKDN",
        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTarget/@measurementType", "ELKPMtype",
        "/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget/M704B1C1/text()", "ELKPVo"
        #"/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget[@measurementType]/M704B1C1/text()", "ELKPVoo",
        #"/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget//M704B1C1/text()", "ELKPVooo"
        #"/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget[1]/text()", "PV2"
        #"/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget/M704B1C3[0]", "PV3",
        #"/OMeS/PMSetup/PMMOResult/PMTatget/M704B1C4[1]", "PV4"
  #mutate {
  #       split => [ "NE", "," ]
  #mutate {
  #        split => [ "DN", "," ]
  date {
    match => [ "audit_time", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS" ]
#   target => "audit_time"
#   locale => "en_US"
    timezone =>  "UTC"
output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]

Logstash delineates events by lines. Your input's multline codec says, "If it doesn't start with <?xml version stick it on the previous line. Since this pattern is only seen once in an XML file, the entire file ends up on a single line and Logstash sees it as a single event. This is then passed onto the XML filter where it sees multiple values that match for each xpath and places them into an array for their respective fields.

That said, we need to determine how to send the data to logstash so that each event ends up on a single line. Using the example you provided previously:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OMeS version="2.3">
  <PMSetup startTime="2018-03-09T08:15:00.000+01:00" interval="5">
      <MO dimension="network_element">
      <PMTarget measurementType="DBMEAS">
      <MO dimension="network_element">
      <PMTarget measurementType="DBMEAS">

It looks like you want to consider each PMMOResult as a separate event? If that's the case, the timestamp value would fall outside of the event and not be recorded with each event. That would require either another filter I am unaware of, not to say I know about all the different filters there are, or restructuring of the XML file before being ingested by Logstash. Assuming the timestamp isn't important, you would change your multiline pattern to "<PMMOResult>".


Thanks a lot for your reply patiently, i want to use the parsed data to draw a trend picture by using kibana, such like below:

Every file will be an event, so I need set the multiline pattern to <?xml version. Now my major question is how can I format the exist array that can draw the trend picture like above red marked?

Thank you.

I have a lot of XML file which has the same format, every file is included only one event. every file/event will be based on one time stamp.

such like this:

Unfortunately, I am not sure how you would do that. I had a similar issue with some data I was ingesting and had to build a PowerShell script to copy the required data into each event.


I have met a new issue, can you help to check it? thank you.


I have met a new issue related to convert data type, can you help to check it? thank you.

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