How to update a document using script? (es_version=8.4.3, javaApi)


elasticsearch 8.4.3 (javaApi)
JDK 17

created index

PUT testdb
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
        "type": "integer"

PUT testdb/_doc/1
  "name": "bookA",
  "desc": "a desc",

PUT testdb/_doc/2
  "name": "bookB",
  "desc":"a desc",
  "score": 1000


Now I want to add 125 points to bookB's score , the request statement should be like this

POST testdb/_update/2

here I use a script to make an add operation for bookB's score , and actually it works.

However, I want to create this request statement by javaApi ,how can I do this?(I haven't found a solution in elasticsearch's docs yet)

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