How to update a field type of existing index in Elasticsearch


I need to change field type, but I don't know how knowing that I'm using logstash for importing data from CSV file so I didn't specify the field type manually and I think the default value is a string, but I need to change it to long or integer, what is the command that allows updating mapping settings or at least fields type?

Thank you!


You cannot do that. If you want to force a non-default data type, in most cases you need to explicitly specify it in the mapping definition (there are some exception such as geo_point, which can be recognized by name)


You could change the logstash index template and provide your own mapping.

Or create manually a mapping (before sending the first data):

If you already indexed docs, you can't change the mapping so you will need to reindex.


I tried to create manually a mapping when I check the result it seems working even with having some weirds warnings when I use logstash command but concretly it behaves like a string I mean when I try to do for exemple 1+1 (1 is my field value) it returns 11 not 2 !!!!

Where did you try your 1+1, in a script?

Exactly ! I'm tring to do this

POST /{index}/{type}/{id}/_update
    "script" : "ctx._source.{field}+=1"

I would first check GET /{index}/{type}/_mapping to see if the field is indeed long


I used something like that

PUT {index}
"mappings": {
    "{type}" : {
        "properties" : {
            {field} : {"type" : "long"}

You should check if the field type has changed. You are not able to change a field type if it is already there. For example if you put a data entry without defining a field mapping, a field mapping with default type will be created and you cannot change it. You have to delete and recreate the index


Yes that exactly what I did ! I deleted my index and I created the mapping and then I sended the data from CSV file with logstash. that seems working when I check the new type but logstash display a warning

"error"=>"WriteFailureException; nested: MapperParsingException[failed to parse [field]]; nested: NumberFormatException[For input string: \"field\"]; "}}, :level=>:warn}

@dadoonet How can I change the logstash file conf to include fields type knowing that i'm using this syntax :

 input {
  file {
    type => "............."
	path => ..........
	start_position => "beginning"
	sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

filter {
	if [type] == ".........." {
		if [message] =~ /^COL1,COL2,COL3/ {
			drop { }
	  	csv {
		    	columns => ["COL1","COL2","COL3"]
		    	separator => ";"
		    	source => message
		    	remove_field => ["message","host","path","@version","@timestamp"]
output {

  	if [type] == ".........." {
  	    elasticsearch {
		    hosts => "localhost:9200"
		    index => ".........."
		    document_type => ".........."

Thank you !

This is more a question for #logstash group but here we go:


Thank you very much for your time ! Indeed I found the solution here

and here