How to update field inside nested document?

I have a document of below structure.

   	"OrderId": "2500001101518267176",
    "OrderDate": "2018-02-04T11:00:25.35",
    "ShippingMethod": "standard",
    "LineItem": [
						"LineItemId": "169673001611457008",
						"ProductId": "189944947919967210",
						"LineItemId": "169673001611457002",
						"ProductId": "189944947919967210",

Here I am looking to update the 'CONumber' for the first document in the nested 'LineItem'.

Is there any option to update the this nested item via Update API?

Have a look at scripted updates in the Update API.

POST tmp_test/doc/1/_update
  "script": {
    "lang": "painless",
    "source": "ctx._source.LineItem[0].CONumber = params.CONumber",
    "params": {
      "CONumber": "9876"

Awesome! Thank you Magnus_Kessler.

I found a way to update with a where condition in the nested doc.

POST tmp_test/doc/1/_update
  "script": "for(i in ctx._source.LineItem){if(i.lineNumber==1){i.CONumber='123456'}}"


This is also working fine in my case.

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