How to Upload CSV into kibana through logstash

Hello ,

I am trying to upload my csv file from the location through logstash and want to display on kibana but I only see my localhost details instead of csv file details:- This is my logstash.conf file
vi logstash.conf
input {
file {
type => "csv"
path => "/Network/rbialiappp013v/Linoma_Files/Userdata/logs/SFTP/2018/11.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
csv {
separator => ","
#Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume (BTC),Volume (Currency),Weighted Price
columns => ["Date","Open","High","Low","Close","Volume (BTC)", "Volume (Currency)" ,"Weighted Price"]
udp {
port => 25826
buffer_size => 1452
codec => collectd { }
type => 'collectd'
output {
if[type] == "csv"
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => 'csv_index'

Please find this file and let me know what needs to be fixed in this file so that I can see my csv file details on kibana.

hope this helps you,

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