How to use elastic search for storing & fetching document as json

I am working on ElasticSearch for the purpose of storing & fetching data as json. The problem is ES treats json as text/string when I use search/highlight function and does not complete my requirement i.e. to get all the parents of stored json in the search result. For example if I have a json like this:

{"jsonfile.htm":{"Headingtag":"100129","Sectiontext":{"part i":{"Headingtag":"p1","Sectiontext":{"Random Heading I":{"Sectiontext":"Impossible considered invitation him men instrument saw celebrated unpleasant."},"Random Heading II":{"Sectiontext":"Prevailed discovery immediate objection of ye at."}}}}}}

When we use search or highlight function for "celebrated" text, it gives me the result like this:

[highlight] => Array ( [detail] => Array ( [0] => ":{"Random Heading I":{"Sectiontext":"Impossible considered invitation him men instrument saw celebrated ) )

It consider json as string and ignores the parent child relation. Can anyone help me to find out how to fetch all the searched text parents in the result?

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