Hi all
I'm working with Cascading and ES-Hadoop connector, using an Hfs source and an ES sink on a Hadoop2MR1FlowConnector with following properties:
props.setProperty(ConfigurationOptions.ES_WRITE_OPERATION, ConfigurationOptions.ES_OPERATION_UPSERT);
props.setProperty(ConfigurationOptions.ES_UPDATE_SCRIPT, esUpdateScript);
props.setProperty(ConfigurationOptions.ES_UPDATE_SCRIPT_LANG, "groovy");
new Hadoop2MR1FlowConnector(props).connect(hfsTap, esTap, tailPipe).complete();
I see there is a config option to set script parameters: ConfigurationOptions.ES_UPDATE_SCRIPT_PARAMS_JSON
My question is, How can I use output tuple values (from tailPipe) as parameters in the groovy script?