How to use percolator while indexing the document using logstash(pre-processing )


I indexed the document using Logstash, but if I need to do some preprocessing using PERCOLATOR how can I do it, is there any possiblities to use percolator in logstash, if not what can be the possible solution for this problem ( TO use percolator before indexing the document ) ?

Best Regards,

I've ventured into creating such a Logstash filter for percolating events inside the Logstash pipeline. It runs very similarly to the elasticsearch Logstash filter.

You can find it here

This filter supports percolation of ad-hoc and/or existing documents, e.g.

# percolates the event itself
percolate {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    index => "my_index"
    type => "my_type"

# percolates the sub-structure available in event['my_field']
percolate {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    index => "my_index"
    type => "my_type"
    target => "my_field"

# percolates the existing document having the id as specified in the event id field
percolate {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
    index => "my_index"
    type => "my_type"
    id => "%{id}"

More info at