How to use search-ui Conditional Facets

How to use Conditional Facets in my App-search
I read the example github elastic docs but not working any help :pray:

Target: if choose California of states Then show conditional Facet

Here is a national park example code

const config = {
  alwaysSearchOnInitialLoad: true,
  searchQuery: {
    result_fields: {
      visitors: { raw: {} },
      world_heritage_site: { raw: {} },
      location: { raw: {} },
      acres: { raw: {} },
      square_km: { raw: {} },
      title: {
        snippet: {
          size: 100,
          fallback: true
      nps_link: { raw: {} },
      states: { raw: {} },
      date_established: { raw: {} },
      image_url: { raw: {} },
      description: {
        snippet: {
          size: 100,
          fallback: true
    disjunctiveFacets: ["states","world_heritage_site"],
    facets: {
      states: { type: "value" },
  conditionalFacets: {
    'world_heritage_site': FilterIsSelected('states', 'California')
  autocompleteQuery: {
    results: {
      resultsPerPage: 5,
      result_fields: {
        title: {
          snippet: {
            size: 100,
            fallback: true
        nps_link: {
          raw: {}
    suggestions: {
      types: {
        documents: {
          fields: ["title", "description"]
      size: 4
  apiConnector: connector

function FilterIsSelected(fieldName: string, value?: string) {
  return ({ filters }) => {
    return filters.some(
      (f) => f.field === fieldName && (!value || f.values.includes(value))

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