How to use 'Terms' query to return value in my search order?

My doc:

{"local_id" : 1654,
"universal_id" : 5412896
"local_id" : 1657,
"universal_id" : 9658742
"local_id" : 1658,
"universal_id" : 6325412

My query :

{"from": 0, "size": 10,"query": {
"bool": {
"must" : [{ 
"terms": { 
"universal_id": [ 6325412, 5412896, 5412896] 

My Actual result:

 "hits" : [
        "_source" : {
          "local_id" : 1654,
          "universal_id" : 5412896
        "_source" : {
          "local_id" : 1658,
          "universal_id" : 6325412

But I need result as below in my querying order ,

My Expected result:

       "_source" : {
         "local_id" : 1658,
         "universal_id" : 6325412
       "_source" : {
         "local_id" : 1658,
         "universal_id" : 6325412
       "_source" : {
         "local_id" : 1654,
         "universal_id" : 5412896

How to achieve this in elasticsearch?

Afaik, there is no way to return value in your search order. Why do you need to sort value in your search order?

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