How to write a Python script to create dashboard in Kibana 6.2.2

Hello All

I am new to elasticsearch and I am learning by searching tutorials but what I found is writing python program to get the data from a URL or retrieving a data

Now I want to learn how to create dashboard using python script. I know how to do using manually by GUI

Please help or suggest any tutorial or documentation if you have


Normally, you have two ways as we practiced.

a) IP:9200/.kibana/doc/<doc_type>
b) IP:5601/api/saved_objects/<doc_type>

You may have issues to create index pattern when option A. However it is not supported for option B in lower version of Elastic stack like 5.2.

Thanks Steven

Do you have any example script? So that I can follow it

I did not have a sample yet, but I am able to give you some ideas.

a) Python module: requests
b) With open to loop directory/files in different types
c) Http headers: X-Pack/Kibana API/etc

Ok thanks Steven

I will try it

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