How update the nested element in ES through Groovy

How to update the nested field values in the ES Groovey.

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/iapi-log-dev-lorain/log/Sample.Test/_update' -d '{"script" : "ctx._source.@fields.Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS = TOTAL_MSGS","params" : {"TOTAL_MSGS" : 2200 } }'

{"error":"RemoteTransportException[[iapi-dev-lorain-node-2][inet[/]][indices:data/write/update]]; nested: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: GroovyScriptExecutionException[MissingFieldException[No such field: fields for class: java.util.LinkedHashMap]]; ","status":400}

Here is the ES document:

"@type": "iapi.log",
"@timestamp": "2017-09-02T03:34:45.399Z",
"@source_host": "my local desktop",
"@message": "TEST",
"@environment": "DEV",
"@fields": {
"AppID": "ABC",
"TransactionID": "12-203-809-49181-42-131-822980900282-5242-146873621",
"CorrelationID": "6f39b6d3-85fd-44e1-b30a-bb1dced34f25",
"TransactionDomain": "Inventory",
"ElapsedTime": "0",
"AppDomain": "DEV",
"Metrics": {
"Sample.Test": "DCR_EMS_STATS_RcvToCollSales",
"TOTAL_MSGS": 2000,

This syntax is not correct. Try with:

ctx._source['@fields'].Metrics.TOTAL_MSG = TOTAL_MSGS

Thiago Thanks for the reponse.

still i am seeing the error saying that unable to see reslove class field.

"script": "ctx._source.Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS =+ my_modifier",
"params": {
"my_modifier": 8

{"error":"RemoteTransportException[[iapi-dev-lorain-node-2][inet[/]][indices:data/write/update]]; nested: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: GroovyScriptCompilationException[MultipleCompilationErrorsException[startup failed:\nb247a3641a4be9c42402976784c2b70a21f0612b: 1: unable to resolve class fields , unable to find class for annotation\n @ line 1, column 13.\n ctx._source[@fields].Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS =+ my_modifier\n ^\n\n1 error\n]]; ","status":400}[apache@esu1l338 scripts]$

According to the exception, you have removed the single-quote '. That's not what I suggested. Here is what I suggested:

ctx._source['@fields'].Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS = TOTAL_MSGS

Notice that '@fields' is surrounded by single-quotes.

Thiago : Please find the complete script.

Request :

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/iapi-log-dcr-dev-lorain/log/Sample.Test/_update' -d '{
"functions": [
"script_score": {
"script": "ctx._source['@fields'].Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS =+ my_modifier",
"params": {
"my_modifier": 8


{"error":"RemoteTransportException[[iapi-dev-lorain-node-2][inet[/]][indices:data/write/update]]; nested: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested: GroovyScriptCompilationException[MultipleCompilationErrorsException[startup failed:\nb247a3641a4be9c42402976784c2b70a21f0612b: 1: unable to resolve class fields , unable to find class for annotation\n @ line 1, column 13.\n ctx._source[@fields].Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS =+ my_modifier\n ^\n\n1 error\n]]; ","status":400}[apache@esu1l338 scripts]$

What is the Elasticsearch version?

ES 1.7.5

This is a shell syntax/quoting issue. Using double-quotes will also works. Try with the following:

$ curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/iapi-log-dcr-dev-lorain/log/Sample.Test/_update' -d '{
  "functions": [
      "script_score": {
        "script": "ctx._source[\"@fields\"].Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS =+ my_modifier",
        "params": {
          "my_modifier": 8

It is working fine Thiago.

Thanks a lot.

May I know what is issue for below statement ?

ctx._source. @fields.Metrics.TOTAL_MSGS

The @ is not a valid field name character that can be used with that field access syntax in particular.

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