recently I have been tasked to maintain an existing ES cluster consisting of 3 nodes (3 data nodes). 12 GB heap per node.
After observing the segments of the index "beneficiary2" I saw the following : 2 very big segments ~13 GB each. For me it is strange that both have ~30 million docs.count since the whole index is supposed to have ~ 36 million docs. So the math here does not check out for me. If someone could explain on that I will be grateful.
Should I be worried about the size?
Here is the merge policy:
"policy": {
"max_merge_at_once_explicit": "30",
"max_merge_at_once": "10",
"max_merged_segment": "5gb",
"expunge_deletes_allowed": "10.0",
"floor_segment": "2mb",
"deletes_pct_allowed": "33.0"
How did it come to this size of segments if max_merged_segment is set to 5 GB? Were they never merged and hence the huge and uneven size?
I assume that these segments will be considered for merging when the number of docs.deleted reaches 33 % of these ~30 million documents per segment or as per documentation when it consists of mostly deleted docs. Should I take any action here?
Thank in advance for further educating me!