I am not able to see security option in management under kibana UI

Hi All,
I am not able to see the security feature under kibana UI?
I have to set Kibana_user_only mode under Managment -> security -> Users.

Can anyone please help me with this?

Hello Swati,

How are you logging in to Kibana? With which user? what roles does user have?

Security is disabled by default but can be enabled with xpack.security.enabled: true in both kibana and elasticsearch.yml. You can then login with your elastic super user, create other users and roles and then use those users to login.

Here are our security docs: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/kibana/current/using-kibana-with-security.html



@bhavyarm Thanks, Yes I checked I was not the super_user to access the security option in kibana.

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