I hope that elasticsearch can also be used on Android mobile phones. Are there any APK downloads related to elasticsearch?

I hope that elasticsearch can also be used on Android mobile phones.

Are there any APK downloads related to elasticsearch?

We don't provide APK's.
I haven't seen it run on mobile phones, but with some of the multi-core, 8GB+ hardware it might be possible as long as java can be compiled on it.

I find that MySQL and mongodb can run on Android.

This is a sad news for all human

Why not try to compile and run it?

What is the problem you are actually trying to solve?

It might be possible to get Elasticsearch running on Android, but it probably wouldn't be very useful - can you explain why you think it would be of use to you?

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Distributed development and adjustment, saving computer CPU and
I have found the APK package of MySQL, mongdb and redis on Android.

I rented a cloud server with only one gigabyte of memory, planned to use the elastic search service, and deployed it on Android to save memory and CPU

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