I need to translate codes into descriptions

We are processing log files that track how orders flow through the fulfillment workflow. One of the elements we capture is the status code, which is a 2-3 character acronym which translates to a meaningful description - example: OR = Order Received, VS = Validation Successful, OF = Order Failed, etc.

I need to find a way to translate these codes (which may not mean anything to our users) into the descriptions which they represent. I plan on recording this info in ElasticSearch as output and Kibana to search/present results.

Is there concept of a lookup table concept in LS, or ES that I could apply to achieve this nicely?!

Have a look at the translate filter.

It worked like a "charm"... thank you!

Here is my config, for future searchers:

filter {
  # Parse out the statusCode variable
      grok { 
          match => { 
            "message" => [ 
      # Translate statusCode variable into statusDescription (new field)
      translate {
        field => "statusCode"
        destination => "statusDescription"
        dictionary_path => "order_status_codes.txt"

and my YAML file is simply this:

CW: Waiting on Order Desk
CWS: Order Desk successfully completed.
CWF: Order Desk failed.