I want to know why the indices.id_field_data.enabled configuration is turned off by default

I have a 200 million index, and I need to find out about 1 million of them based on certain conditions. I used the scroll api to query before, but I found that in the 8.x version, the scroll api is no longer recommended, but use search after. There is no relevant unique field in my index structure for sorting, so I want to use the _id field for sorting. But I found that the _id field has been disabled and needs to be turned on manually. If it is not enabled, you can copy _id to the source, but my data volume is very large. If I copy the id for each document, my storage resources will become more tense. So I would like to ask what is the reason for the configuration of indices.id_field_data.enabled being turned off by default, and what will happen if I turn it on and use it for sorting. :blush:

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I'm in the same situation. I've many index (10-20) with about 60 70 GB of each and for a certains application that use elasticsearch api only i should enable the indices.id_field_data.enabled. What happens if i enabled it on other index? it's a cluster feature instead of index feature , so are some impacts on other index? Ty and Regards

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