If(filter,output) Else(filter,output)

Hi Elastic Team,

Is this possible in logstash?

input {
if "test" in [mesasge] 
      filter {}
      output {}
else {
     filter {}
     output {}

Thank you!

no but you can do something like this

filter {
    if "test" in [message] {
           do stuff
    else {
            do stuff

Thanks for answering! Just needed to ingest same data but different output.

For example. i have this fields.

I will ingest name and age only in elasticsearch. But on output file, I will ingest name, age and bdate.

Will this be possible?

yes possible. but in first post you ask something different. in your latest post you ask something different. you have to use some logic for that

here is answer to first one

filter {
    if "test" in [message] {
           do stuff
           mutate => { add_field => { "output1" => "to elk" }
    else {
            do stuff
           mutate => { add_field => { "output2" => "to text" }

output {
   if [output1] {
            send output to elk
   if [output2] {
           send output to somewhere else

for second one. basically you are reading name,age,bday but you want only name,age on elk and name,age,bday on text file.


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