Ignore_z_value is not supported

Elasticsearch Version


Java Version


OS Version

Ubuntu 18.04

Problem Description

According to:

I should be able to use parameter ignore_z_value to ignore z values indexed to geo_point field.

But it doesn't work, instead I get the following exception:

"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "parse_exception",
"reason" : "field must be either [lat], [lon] or [geohash]"
"type" : "mapper_parsing_exception",
"reason" : "failed to parse field [location] of type [geo_point]",
"caused_by" : {
"type" : "parse_exception",
"reason" : "field must be either [lat], [lon] or [geohash]"
"status" : 400

Steps to Reproduce

  1. I have created an index with the following mapping:
"eren" : {
"mappings" : {
"properties" : {
"location" : {
"type" : "geo_point"
  1. I have tried to upload the following document:

"location": {


Hello @gabi939!

Welcome to the community. First of all, just say that the version of Elasticsearch is way too old, you should consider upgrading as a matter of urgency.

In regards the issue, I think the format you are referring was never supported for those old versions. It was not until Elasticsearch 8.3 that that format was supported. This was done as a side effect of adding Geojson support to geo_point field: Support GeoJSON for geo_point by craigtaverner · Pull Request #85120 · elastic/elasticsearch · GitHub

Note that in your version you can probably use other formats to add a z value, e.g the following should work (I haven't tried):

   "location": [40, 40, 20]

where the positions are [lon, lat, z].

Therefore your options are upgrading your Elasticsearch cluster to 8.3+ or use a different format to define your geo_points.

Hope this helps!


Thank you for the clarification, you should consider then updating the documentation:

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