Ignoring all attributes that end with className

My application is using jackson for object serialization. We have many annotations, and one adds a class attribute to the JSON to identify what type of object is being stored or retrieved.

We're now storing these structures in ElasticSearch. I was wondering if there's a way to tell elasticsearch to ignore all of these class attributes (since they're all over the document) instead of having to map each one individually.

You can tell ES to not store and not index it via a mapping (if I understand what you want that is).

For a few reasons, I don't want to modify the mappings yet. I'm thinking that a multi match query with partial field names of what I do want to search on is what I'm looking for https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-multi-match-query.html however, I need partial word search (e.g. if the text is bob and query is ob that should return).

Anyways I did get this part working using a multi match and a wildcard field name. I have other questions, other topics.