Importing JSON in to Elasticsearch 5.1 using CURL

I'm trying to import a large JSON document in to Elasticsearch 5.1. A small section of the data looks like this:

"id": 1,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"eventName": "CreateRole",
"eventTime": "2016-02-04T03:41:19.000Z",
"userName": ""
"id": 2,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"eventName": "AddRoleToInstanceProfile",
"eventTime": "2016-02-04T03:41:19.000Z",
"userName": ""
"id": 3,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"eventName": "CreateInstanceProfile",
"eventTime": "2016-02-04T03:41:19.000Z",
"userName": ""
"id": 4,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"eventName": "AttachGroupPolicy",
"eventTime": "2016-02-04T01:42:36.000Z",
"userName": ""
"id": 5,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"eventName": "AttachGroupPolicy",
"eventTime": "2016-02-04T01:39:20.000Z",
"userName": ""

I'd like to import the data without making any changes to the source data if possible, so I believe that rules out the _bulk command as I'd need to add additional details for each entry.

I've tried several different methods but have not had any luck. Am I wasting my time trying to import this document as-is?

I've tried:

curl -XPOST '' --data-binary @Records.json

But that fails with an error:

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"failed to parse","caused_by":{"type":"not_x_content_exception","reason":"Compressor detection can only be called on some xcontent bytes or compressed xcontent bytes"}},"status":400}


You want to index individual events or only all events?

I believe the former.

I'd use logstash to split it into individual records.

You can't index such a document directly as it does not start with {.

Thanks dadoonet.

I'm using AWS ES, and REALLY want to avoid spinning up LS if I can help it.

I could add the entire array in to curly braces { data: ....

But I'm guessing that will lead to it being treated as a single event, if I'm reading your reply correctly?

Yes. It will.

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