In dissect plugin, use convert_datatype to convert data type

Hello, everyone!
I logstash, i use dissect plugin to split nginx log, then use convert_datatype to convert filed data type. But in my nginx log, the request_time and upstream_response_time fields will be '-' sometimes, not only the float type. So when i use convert_datatype to convert these to fields the logstash will throw the following exception, and then logstash will give the string value(the original string '-') to the request_time and upstream_response_time fields, what i want is that when convert data type failed, give these two fields a default number value such as 0.000 not '-'(a string value):

[2017-08-05T22:28:29,551][WARN ][logstash.filters.dissect ] Dissector datatype conversion, value cannot be coerced, key: request_time, value: -
[2017-08-05T22:28:29,551][WARN ][logstash.filters.dissect ] Dissector datatype conversion, value cannot be coerced, key: upstream_response_time, value: -

My nginx log format:


An example log(Take care the request_time and upstream_response_time fields are '-'):

05/Aug/2017:22:22:33 -0700||GET /listing/detail/1864252/MO/St-Louis/www HTTP/1.1|200|-||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +|-||76627|-|-||4483145|2|38873227-aa0e-412b-b93f-13a7d0e26fb7

My logstash config(just debug):

input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
ruby {
code => "
tstamp = event.get('@timestamp').to_i'%Y-%m-%d')
dissect {
mapping => {
"message" => "%{time_local}|%{server_ip}|%{request}|%{status_code}|%{remote_user}|%{remote_addr}|%{http_user_agent}|%{http_referer}|%{host}|%{bytes_sent}|%{request_time}|%{upstream_response_time}|%{upstream_addr}|%{connection}|%{connection_requests}|%{uuid}"
convert_datatype => {
status_code => "int"
bytes_sent => "int"
request_time => "float"
upstream_response_time => "float"
output {
if [business] == "nginx" and [type] == "access" {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

So, when i run logstash with above config, the result i get as following(the request_time and upstream_response_time fields are string value not number):

"request" => "GET /listing/detail/1864252/MO/St-Louis/www HTTP/1.1",
"status_code" => 200,
"upstream_addr" => "",
"connection_requests" => "2",
"source" => "/home/ec2-user/nginx/logs/access.log",
"type" => "access",
"uuid" => "38873227-aa0e-412b-b93f-13a7d0e26fb7",
"http_user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +",
"remote_user" => "-",
"request_time" => "-",
"@version" => "1",
"beat" => {
"hostname" => "",
"name" => "",
"version" => "5.5.1"
"host" => "",
"server_ip" => "",
"connection" => "4483145",
"remote_addr" => "",
"offset" => 270,
"business" => "nginx",
"input_type" => "log",
"time_local" => "05/Aug/2017:22:22:33 -0700",
"message" => "05/Aug/2017:22:22:33 -0700||GET /listing/detail/1864252/MO/St-Louis/www HTTP/1.1|200|-||Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +|-||76627|-|-||4483145|2|38873227-aa0e-412b-b93f-13a7d0e26fb7",
"bytes_sent" => 76627,
"tags" => [
[0] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied",
[1] "_dataconversionuncoercible_request_time_float",
[2] "_dataconversionuncoercible_upstream_response_time_float"
"@timestamp" => 2017-08-06T05:28:24.508Z,
"http_referer" => "-",
"upstream_response_time" => "-"

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