In memory HTTP Request parsing

I want to write an offline raw HTTP log enricher tool such that:


series of HTTP request objects like:

"id": "<uniqueID>",
"timestamp": "<someTimestmp>",
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/_cat/indices?pretty"
"headers": [{"header1name": ["header1value1"]}],
"body": "....."


"id": "<uniqueID>",
"timestamp": "<someTimestmp>",
"type": "ClusterStateRequest",
"action": "cluster:monitor/state"

In order to do so, I really would not like to instantiate the whole Elasticsearch + write a plugin that echoes this info from inside.

Ideally I'd like to instantiate some class in Elasticsearch core that takes care of parsing HTTP requests into the internal format.

Any pointers on what is the best, least complicated way to do so?

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