Hello Community,
We are doing ES indexing using the ES-SPark Connector (6.6.1) in our daily spark job.
Here is our API call we make in our spark code
.option("es.resource", "indexA_staging/indexA_main")
.option("es.write.operation", "upsert")
.option("es.nodes", "")
.option("es.batch.size.bytes", "2mb")
.option("es.batch.size.entries", "2000")
.option("es.write.operation", "upsert")
After the first run of our daily job on each day, we sometimes find that a few records in ES are partially indexed. When we detect this kind of issue, we rerun the spark daily job and find they can be fully indexed then. Here is an example we get today:
After the first run of our daily spark job today, we have 85 records out of 12 million with the following fields partially indexed. But there are 234 fields in total
"_index": "indexA",
"_type": "indexA_main",
"_id": "indexa|6a90e8b8-8c8f-4842-b3a3-8d3da67eaca9",
"_version": 1,
"found": true,
"_source": {
"conformedid": "indexa|6a90e8b8-8c8f-4842-b3a3-8d3da67eaca9",
"secondid": "DAD506F4-9563-42CD-BCC2-BB8E74B96A45",
"updated": "2018-05-29T04:59:38.660Z",
"soid": 7057358,
"creationdate": "2018-05-29T11:33:04.730Z",
"path": "dummy text",
"labels": "dummy text",
"isupdated": false,
"status": "dummy text",
"response": false,
"pubilish date": "dummy text"
After the second run of our same daily job today, we have all records (about 12 million) with the following fields fully indexed there are 234 fields in total
"_index": "indexA",
"_type": "indexA_main",
"_id": "indexa|6a90e8b8-8c8f-4842-b3a3-8d3da67eaca9",
"_version": 1,
"found": true,
"_source": {
"conformedid": "indexa|6a90e8b8-8c8f-4842-b3a3-8d3da67eaca9",
"secondid": "DAD506F4-9563-42CD-BCC2-BB8E74B96A45",
"updated": "2018-05-29T04:59:38.660Z",
"soid": 7057358,
"creationdate": "2018-05-29T11:33:04.730Z",
"path": "dummy text",
"labels": "dummy text",
"isupdated": false,
"status": "dummy text",
"response": false,
"pubilish date": "dummy text",
"fieldA": "dummy filedA value",
"filedB ": "dummy filedB value",
"filedC ": "dummy filedC value",
"filedD ": "dummy filedD value",
"filedE ": "dummy filedE value",
"filedF ": "dummy filedF value",
"filedG ": "dummy filedG value"
... total 234 fields
Both runs succeeded
I wonder, whether our batches are getting truncated or not. Do we misconfigure anything? How should we check for errors in the ES logs and Spark logs?