Inconsistent date_histogram "key_as_string" when "format" is set


I have an issue with date_histogram on Elastic 7.9.2. The "key_as_string" does not seems to be correct.

I have this index:

    PUT https://localhost:9200/test -d '

Those data:

    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/1 -d '{"date": "2022-02-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/2 -d '{"date": "2022-06-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/3 -d '{"date": "2022-10-28"}'

    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/4 -d '{"date": "2021-02-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/5 -d '{"date": "2021-06-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/6 -d '{"date": "2021-10-28"}'

    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/7 -d '{"date": "2020-02-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/8 -d '{"date": "2020-06-28"}'
    POST https://localhost:9200/test/_doc/9 -d '{"date": "2020-10-28"}'

This query:

      "from": 0,
      "size": 0,
      "query": {
        "match_all": {}
      "aggs": {
        "date": {
          "date_histogram": {
            "field": "date",
            "format": "YYYY-MM-dd",
            "calendar_interval": "1y"

Elasticsearch is returning the hereafter result.

     "aggregations": {
       "date": {
         "buckets": [
             "key_as_string": "2020-01-01",
             "key": 1577836800000,
             "doc_count": 3}
    ,       {
             "key_as_string": "2020-01-01",
             "key": 1609459200000,
             "doc_count": 3}
    ,       {
             "key_as_string": "2021-01-01",
             "key": 1640995200000,
             "doc_count": 3}]}}

"key_as_string" is wrong whereas the key is correct. Without setting the "format" in the aggregation, the "key_as_string" is correct.

What could be the issue?

I do the mistake to use YYYY instead of yyyy :slight_smile:

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