Inconsistent Results from Index

I have two search indexes, to the best of my understanding these indexes have an identical setup, apart from their name. One index has ~1.7 million documents, the other has 8.

The documents have the following structure (this example exists in both indexes):

    _index: "locations",
    _type: "location",
    _id: "Royal Leamington Spa",
    _version: 1,
    found: true,
    _source: {
        name: "Royal Leamington Spa",
        coordinate: {
            lat: 52.29156048773691,
            lon: -1.5343337101975745

Both indexes have the same mapping of

<indexname>: {
    settings: {
        index: {
            creation_date: "1427477291143",
            uuid: "Z75-HWNGQwiE0MzqezVctQ",
            number_of_replicas: "1",
            number_of_shards: "1",
            version: {
                created: "1040499" //this is slightly different on each

I am querying both with the following:

POST http://<server>/locations/location/_search
    "from": 0,
    "size": 10,
    "sort": [
        "_score": {}
    "query": {
        "match": {
            "name": {
                "type": "phrase_prefix",
                "query": "Royal L"

The larger of the two indexes returns no results, but the smaller index returns the document I was expecting. What causes the difference in the result and how can I query the larger index in a way that will return results for the given query?

are you already compare the mapping for both index after your indexation? the number of documents can't be the problem! can you show us the mapping for this index ?

The two indexes looks like this, it might be worth noting they are on the same cluster:

GET /locations/_mapping/location

gives me

    locations: {
        mappings: {
            location: {
                properties: {
                    coordinate: {
                        type: "geo_point"
                    name: {
                        type: "string"


GET /searchtestlocations/_mapping/location

gives me

    searchtestlocations: {
        mappings: {
            location: {
                properties: {
                    coordinate: {
                        type: "geo_point"
                    name: {
                        type: "string"

It is possible that there is a server wide config which I'm not accounting for? If so what might I go looking for?

your type is not the same in both index, are you sure that you change your index type ?

POST http://<server>/locations/location/_search
and in the other server :
POST http://<server>/searchtestlocations/location/_search

Yes, I definitely change the type.

I don't know if this is relevant, but for short entries in the index I am able to find data in the larger index. For example postcodes, if I search for "RH12 5" I am presented with all the related postcodes, which is exactly the behaviour I'm expecting. For some reason this doesn't work for longer place names.