Indentation error on filebeat conf

Hi, I want to do some basic process with filebeat on my logs but I have some indentations problemes I just don't know how to resolve.

Here is the current stat of the conf file, input and output has been sensored but I already know the problems are in the processors

  - if: 
        log.file.path: "path1"
      - drop_event:
            - regexp:
              message: "^!"
        #create criticity and clean messsage field 
      - dissect:
          tokenizer: "[%{criticity}] [%{timestamp}] %{msg}"
          field: "message"
          target_prefixe: ""
          overwrite_keys: true
      - drop_field:
          fields: ["message"]
      - rename:
            - from: "msg"
              to: "message"
          ignore_missing: true
          fail_on_error: true
  - if: 
        log.file.path: "path2"
      - dissect:
          tokenizer: '%{ip_adresse} - - [%{@timestamp}] "%{verb} / %{target}"   %{return_code|integer} %{answer_lenght|integer} "%{}" "%{?%referer}"   %{call_lenght|integer}'
          field: "message"
          target_prefixe: ""
          overwrite_keys: true

and here is my current error :

filebeat]# filebeat test config -c filebeat.yml
Exiting: error initializing processors: failed to make if/then/else processor: failed to initialize condition: missing or invalid condition

Hello @Guillaume_D

Welcome to Elastic Community :smiley: !!!

There are no indentation error. You can also validate your code using any of yml validator.
The error message means that there is an invalid condition specified in processors.

When using if-then-else processors we should not use when for the conditions

Hence try the below

  - if: 
        log.file.path: "path1"
      - drop_event:
            - regexp:
              message: "^!"

if this above code block doesn't work then change your code accordingly but without using "when"

For more information , refer the below links:

Keep Posted !!! Thanks !!!

Thanks @sudhagar_ramesh the file conf dooesn't show error anymore !
Small probleme is it doesn't do what it was made for, none of the processors inside the if are used.

Ther may be a probleme in the condition. the file path I must spécifie in my condition is the one of the log file were I get my logs from right ?

current stat of the conf:
`#processors for Oscare

  • if:
    log.file.path: "path1"
    • drop_event:
      - regexp:
      message: "^!"
      #create criticity and clean messsage field
    • dissect:
      tokenizer: "[%{criticity}] [%{timestamp}] %{msg}"
      field: "message"
      target_prefixe: ""
      overwrite_keys: true
    • drop_field:
      fields: ["message"]
    • rename:
      - from: "msg"
      to: "message"
      ignore_missing: true
      fail_on_error: true
  • if:
    log.file.path: "path2"
    • dissect:
      tokenizer: '%{ip_adresse} - - [%{@timestamp}] "%{verb} / %{target}" %{return_code|integer} %{answer_lenght|integer} "%{}" "%{?%referer}" %{call_lenght|integer}'
      field: "message"
      target_prefixe: ""
      overwrite_keys: true`

Hello @Guillaume_D

Yes, you should also have to make the change in the log.file.path

that should be like

  - if: 
	    - /var/log/messages

Keep Posted!!! Thanks !!!

For more information about path, refer below link

thanks @sudhagar_ramesh it all works now!!!

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