Index an image using ingest-attachment via Postman

I'm trying to test indexing a tiff image using the ingest-attachment plugin.

First, does Elasticsearch's Tika implement parsers for image formats? I realise that they'll only get metadata, but that's all I want for now.

Second, how can I POST an image to ES using Postman? My request is formed like this:
?? Do I use 'binary' and upload the image here? Do I then use a pre-request script to convert it to ascii encoded base64?? How would I do that? Or do I do the conversion elsewhere and paste it into a json document?

Do I then use a pre-request script to convert it to ascii encoded base64??

Yes. You need to do that BASE64 transformation on your side and then create a JSON document which contains it.

Alternatively you can use FSCrawler with its REST API mode and then you can upload a binary file directly like:

curl -F "file=@myimage.png" ""

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